Longarm Quilting &
Custom Embroidery
Longarm Quilting &
Custom Embroidery
QTS304 Template Set for Quilt Top Designs - 6 Pieces
Template Set for Quilt Top Designs - 6 Pieces
Create your own classic quilt top with these easy-to-use guides.
Includes 10 plastic quilt template pieces for tracing and instructions
for designing award-winning quilt tops such as Drunkard's Path,
Crossroads, Clamshell, Shell Chain, Grandma's Coins, Pyramids,
Chainlinks, Diagonal Stripes, Nonesuch, Road To California, Whirlyjig,
Puppet Show, Fool's Puzzle, Broken Dots, Pinwheels, Polka Dots,
Garden Vine, Setting Sun, Buds & Blossoms, and Falling Timber.
Made in USA.